Consent for data and image processing
I, hereby agree to You Space ASBL who is an organiser of the Switch to Space:
To use my contact data to inform me about any Switch to Space event-related issues, to send me updates about the event, for receiving the newsletter. Principally for information purpose.
In case I will decide to participate in the event (physically or online with my camera turned on) to use my photo/video on the events website and/or social media and other communication materials.
Moreover we inform you that in respect of the principles of lawfulness, limitation of purposes and keeping data to the minimum, in accordance with art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, the period of conservation of your personal data is established for a span of time no longer than the fulfilment of the objectives for which they were gathered and processed however for a maximum period of three years after reception.
We inform you as well that the data gathered will never be disseminated and neither will they be communicated without your explicit consent.
Please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time.
If you wish to do so, or if you have any question concerning our processing, do not hesitate to contact us by email