S2S 2024
S2S 2022
S2S 2020
S2S 2018
Cenaero (Gosselies, Belgium) is a Research and Technology Organisation (ROT) active in the aeronautics, space, energy and smart cities sectors. It provides, to any company involved in a technology innovation process, high fidelity numerical simulation methods and tools to invent and design more competitive products. In-house software development supporting these activities is dedicated to Morfeo (structures and manufacturing processes), Argo (massively parallel high-order computational fluid dynamics solver) and Minamo (surrogate-assisted optimization). Cenaero also operates the Lucia “Tier-1” super-computing infrastructure. In the space sector, Cenaero is collaborating with ESA, the von Karman Institute and other research entities to advance the prediction and understanding of material degradation during atmospheric re-entry.